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Process engineering solutions to improve accuracy

Published date: 24 June 2022

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Process engineering focuses on the end-to-end manufacturing of products. Process engineers design, control and operate the processes and equipment used to turn raw materials into valuable products. Process engineering plays a vital role in many industries.

Why is important for process engineering to improve accuracy?

Accuracy is defined as the degree to which a measurement conforms to a systematic standard. Accurate machines are able to execute an operation according to the required specifications. E.g. if a machine is set to manufacture parts that are 5 cm long, an accurate machine will produce parts that are exactly that long.

When parts are engineered accurately, reworking and scrapping of substandard components is reduced. Less inspections and quality measures are required, speeding up production. All of this translates to higher profit margins.

Accuracy improves product reliability. This leads to greater customer satisfaction. Accuracy is of paramount importance in sectors such aerospace or medical, where the slightest error can put lives in danger.

How can process engineering improve accuracy?

Several process engineering strategies can lead to improved accuracy in the manufacturing process:

  • Integrated quality control. Quality control is often applied at the end of production. It should, instead, be integrated in the manufacturing process. This means performing a step-by-step control as the parts are made. This will help avoid costly mistakes and scrapping of faulty parts. A wide range of regulators and scanners can be incorporated into this approach.
  • Investing in cutting edge technologies. Using new software and hardware improves machine performance. Highly accurate machines employ the most advanced programs and equipment. Training programs for workers are also available. These help the staff to better operate high-accuracy equipment.
  • Considering the materials. The type and quality of raw materials used has an impact on the manufacturing process. This is especially true for high-accuracy work. Different materials have unique properties. Some may allow for more complex designs or tighter tolerances than others. It is important for process engineers to be aware of any new alloys and materials available in the market.
  • Considering the impact of the work environment. The environment surrounding the equipment plays a role in the production process. A number of factors can affect the accuracy of a machine. These include vibration, air currents, temperature and static electricity. Vibration, especially, can cause inaccuracies. Proper testing from the start will help detect any environmental issues that can influence the machinery.

Conro Electronics is a leading supplier of materials and tools in the electronic manufacturing industry.

We’ll show you how to improve product reliability while increasing performance and lowering costs. Our team of technical support specialists will provide your company with dependable global supply, unrivalled efficiency, and superior technical support.

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